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Intranets, Extranets & Customer Portals

CUSTOMER PORTAL - This is an extranet designed to offer services and information to a specific customer. Support, training, product specification documents, contracts, reports, updates etc are some examples of the things offered on the extranet for a specific client. This service makes all customers very happy and also provides cross selling and feedback opportunities.

Broad Benefits of Intranets/Extranets/Customer Portals
1. Increased Productivity: The intranet and extranet provides on the spot information when it is needed. Access can be gained with just a few clicks allowing employees to work at a faster pace and more efficiently.

2. Communication: The intranet and extranet provides a strong bridge for communication with all parties involved regardless of their location. This can include transmitting a company policy to working with another client.

3. Auditing: The intranet and extranet provides a perfect way to track all information transmitted along its network at each point. All details can be captured and if needed can be adjusted and also traced.

4. Operations & Management: The intranet and extranet offers project management tools which can be used to convene cross functional and cross organizational teams regardless of their location. Also managers have the opportunity to work from one location instead of visiting all the users to create projects, assign responsibilities and track progress.

5. Enhanced Collaboration: Teams of persons can quickly collaborate in a virtual environment without actually being there.

6. Capture & Share Knowledge: The intranet and extranet can also be used as a forum to share and learn from each other.

Are they a Big Business Thing?
Modalis Research Technologies conducted a study which reported that 70 percent of small and medium-sized U.S. businesses feel that an intranet is important.

The Hosted, SAAS Model - Considering cost benefits a few years back, it might have not been a good idea for a small to mid sized company to get the system. However in present times these technologies are available to small businesses for a small price thanks to the hosted, SAAS, approach.

Changing Environment - Because of changes in the business world it is necessary that companies to manage their distributed teams and be ready for increased client expectations. Whether it is traveling, outsourcing teams, work from home executives or a key client, it is very beneficial to have an intranet/extranet portal to collaborate.

Possible Uses - There are numerous uses for the intranet/extranet including uploading policy documents, sharing employee directories or managing projects and even listing the lunch menu as reported by Modalis research.

Beats Email! - Being aware that an intranet costs little more than to implement a business email, logically it is the next step when compared to sharing information via mail.

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