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How to Use Google to Find a Friend

As the largest and most popular search engine (by far), it is very likely that any queries that you do to find information will begin with Google. The same can be said when you're looking for a friend on the internet. This is because Google has indexed the most number of sites, and is known for giving the best results of all of the search engines. That being said, it doesn't mean that Google is the be-all and end-all of your online look-ups. If you can't find something there, it shouldn't stop you from moving on in case others may find something different.

However, Google really does give you the best odds of finding your friend in the first place you try, place when you compare it to all of the other search engines. The way in which you can try to find your friend using Google is twofold.

The first method is using the search engine itself. This means that you'd use your friend's name and other related information to try to find any mention of your friend on any websites on the world wide web. So you'll essentially be searching for your friend in a similar way that you'd try to find any other piece of information that interests you.

There are, of course, techniques that can help you to be more successful in this effort, such as placing the name within quotation marks to be sure that you're only looking for that exact spelling and for the first and last names in that order. This is a useful technique when your first set of results gives you too many possible listings to be able to go through them and find that single individual.

