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Ways to Search For Your Old Friend Online

All it takes is a song on the radio, a movie on TV, a dessert, or some other simple everyday life experience for you to take a trip down memory lane and think of your old friend. If you have lost touch with the friend you've been recently thinking about, you can do something about your situation. Thus, instead of simply treasuring memories, you can try to find your friend and make new ones.

The best place to look for your friend is online. Hundreds of millions of people around the world use the Internet, so there is an extremely high chance your old buddy does as well. The following are four different search methods, aside from using a standard search engine, which may be useful in helping you find your friends.

1 - Forward Search - This is a searching service that requires you to enter the last name of your friend. Although not required, it is also a good idea to fill in the other search fields including your friend's first name, and the last city or state they lived in that you can remember. As long as your friend owns a phone number that is published in the public phone directory, you will discover their phone number and address with this lookup.

2 - People Search Engines - This is a people finder service (I.E. Pipl, Spock, etc.) that uses a deep web search to only find information related to the name and other details of the person you are searching for. For instance, if your friend happens to have a profile on a social networking site (I.E. MySpace, Facebook, Hi5, etc.), the link to the profile will be provided, as well as links to other sites that match or closely match your query.

3 - Ways to Search For Your Old Friend Online - Theses websites have become extremely popular in the past few years, and millions of online users have created personal profiles on these sites so they not only have their own personal space on the web, but can network with friends, relatives, co-workers, past classmates, and make new friends. Therefore, try looking up your old friend using the search options provided by theses networks to see if you can find them. If they have a profile, you will need to join the social site before you can gain access. Joining is free and quite simple.

